New hair color

As I keep going back and forth between blonde and brunette .... lol
I usually go back to blonde for the summer but I feel like my hair look less damaged in a hot chocolate tone. Home-made color from L'oreal #400, I already used it in January but my hair got lighter from January to June. Anyways, the box costs around 10Euros which is a pretty good deal =)

Just follow the instructions, don't forget to rinse your hair with cold water to add shine to it and you're good to go!


  1. eh bééé pinaizz!! Cecilia tu as disparu de youtube du jour au lendemain et je tombe sur ton blog pars Hasard! au moins je pourrais suivre tes aventures ici! bizz

  2. oh merci c gentil! oui jai quitte youtube helas ... =) sava?

  3. oui je vais bien ma belle!! épuisée par le stage mais ca va et toi??
    bon je t'ai sur twitter donc on va discuter la bas lol
