I know I keep killing myself with movies all the time but I'm loving it! When you go out from work or a sunday afternoon with your friends; it feels so good! Especially when you can see great movies like the ones that I was lucky to see this week and the week before!
Precious ❤❤
I saw the movie Precious, and WOW it was emotionally really tuff!!!
The story is amazing, the characters are great, especially the hot male nurse played by mr Kravitz <3 haha
but the movie was so sad!
I did not cry but really, thinking about what Precious went throught her life is scary!!! Poor girl; but you can admire how strong she is and how she is not giving up on her dreams!
Alice In Wonderland ❤
Wednesday nigth I rushed at the movie theater with my friends to meet up with Alice =) it was a fun movie; a bit weird, just like every Tim Burton movie!
The story was way different from the Disney Cartoon but it was interesting.
Of course there was a lot of fun! I really liked the part of Anne Hathaway playing the White Queen lol (hilarious) and the beautiful smiling cat (wow soooo beautiful; i loved the way he disapears all the time)
Well, when it comes to Johnny Depp, I didn't really liked his part, he was way better in Pirates of the Caribbean but in Alice =/ (to my mind he did a little too much)
All About Steve ♡
Well, that movie was funny but it was hard to laught at every joke..
Maybe because I thought it was a little too dumb, I have no idea, I didn't liked it that much.
Of course Sandra Bullock in a psycho female was cool to see but...
Bradley Cooper was cool too but you could tell that the play was not natural...
L'Arnacoeur ❤
Last but not least a french comedy, l'Arnacoeur which bretty much deals with a guy who has for mission to make other couples break-up.
It was really funny; a bit predictable on some jokes but cool though!
I had a good time.
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